Friday 18 March 2011

For Japan with Love and Animal Rescue

Photo source

Thanks to Rachel at Book Snob, I've just been made aware of a blog-based movement who are collecting donations to provide necessary equipment and supplies to those affected by the terrible disaster in Japan.  Like everyone else, I have been concerned and moved by this tragedy and have been thinking of helping in some way.   Rachel's post has provided a nudge. Please visit her blog for more information as she has investigated this charity and found that our donations will be getting to those in need.  If you'd like to donate, please click here.

The plight of humans and animals are interlinked on this earth and my heart goes out to companion and other animals that inevitably suffer during these times of crisis but who do not always get the help required.  This prompted me to search for animal charities in Japan who try to rescue and rehome animals who have been caught up in this disaster.  It's a race against time as Japan's shelters have a kill policy and 72 hours in which a guardian can claim their companion animal.  I've seen the Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue and Support mentioned several times in news stories concerning abandoned and lost dogs and cats being rescued.  They are a coalition of three animal charities and no-kill rescue centres with track histories and experience so I think making a donation to them will help ensure that they can rescue, treat and rehome dogs, cats and any other animals in distress without their lives being placed in further jeopardy.

If you'd like to donate, you can do so by PayPal here.  Please be patient as it sometimes takes a while to load.  You you may need to click the arrow in the top right-hand corner for English if the PayPal page appears in Japanese.  HEART (one of the animal groups involved) is collecting the donations and donations are in US Dollars.  There are regular updates on the coalition's Facebook page here.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and thank you for your help.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Cristina. Every little really does help. I also appreciate your mention of animals; there must be a lot of lonely and bewildered pets out there searching for owners and they should not be forgotten.